First of all, I would like to thank the team responsible for bringing this software to the community, its fantastic and I could not imagine programming these robots without it at this point, so kudos!
I'll start with the easy ideas and work my way up,
1. It would be great if a key binding could be added to upload and download a single program (equivalent to the small upload and download robot icons when a program is open) I use this feature quite a bit more then the main upload button for rapid changes. No particular preference on which buttons you would like to use since I use a macro pad.
2. Similar to Mr.T's request about allowing the software to remember the upload flags from the previous attempt related to killing the foreground program, it would be great if the same could be done for turning off the motors. I almost always uncheck that box when uploading to save me a few seconds on the upload time, its a little thing but it adds up over time so it would be nice to have.
3. This ones a bit more obscure, but Kawasaki has an encryption feature for the robots that allows the developer to obscure the AS code displayed on the pendant depending on operator level, as well as encrypting the code when a download is attempted, again without the correct operator level. With this function enabled KIDE starts to struggle in a few areas since encrypting the individual programs requires them to be prefixed with a "!". So "autostart.pc" would become "!autostart.pc", as an example. Currently, aborting and killing pc programs works, uploading individual programs works (if they already exist on the controller with the "!"), and of course the entire AS file can be downloaded from the robot without issue. The main things I need a fix for is starting PC programs since it attempts to start the programs without the prefix resulting in an error, and uploading newly created programs with the prefix correctly. The reason I ask is our company has a standard product with a large amount of proprietary code running in the robot controller with this setting enabled (we might be the only ones doing this so I understand this could be a big ask for something very few users are likely to use). Maybe a setting that can be enabled for projects to let the software know its an encrypted AS program? Let me know your thoughts.
Again, I appreciate all the support!