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Improve backup

#1 by Lomba1986 , Thu Sep 05, 2024 10:03 am

Dear all,
in these days I'm developing an application with a coworker and 3 robot, and is inevitable that my local version of one project is older than the current version that runs on the controller so is necessary download all data from the controller (working space, motion limits and so on...), but this operation, especially for this parameter provokes the download off all data (variables, programs...).
The point is that into the controller there is no catagories (all signals are reals, not exist type signal), but is very annoing categorize every time into the K-IDE the variables...There are the icons to select elements and sign them as I/O, but sincerely, perform this operations a lot of time waste time, especially if I already categorized all data and I want just update the working area (for example)

Is there a way to download all data from a controller at once, and if hte K-IDE project already has the data categorized the software maintains this divisions?

Thanks for your time

Posts: 27
Date registered 06.21.2024

RE: Improve backup

#2 by cquante , Thu Sep 05, 2024 3:52 pm


if you simply update the "project documentation" of the controller with K-IDE by right-clicking the root AS tree node and selecting "send project documentation", the data is stored in the controller and K-IDE knows the categories next time it loaded something from the robot. Another way to do this automatically is to use the disconnect dialog where you can select to send the documentation before disconnect. (I guess most people just press the "Just disconnect" button).

Christian Quante
Technical Sales
Sales Department

Kawasaki Robotics GmbH
Rheiner Landstrasse 195A • 49078 Osnabrück

Posts: 300
Date registered 12.20.2019

RE: Improve backup

#3 by Lomba1986 , Wed Sep 11, 2024 8:52 am

Dear CQuant,
I mean update into my project informations about motion limit, working area, switch configuration and so on.

At the moment I don't find other way than download all data from the controller, but with this solution K-IDE download (obviously) also all reals, all translation variables and puts them into reals and traslantions category without check if some elements are already inside in other section (ex: input, output, tool, frame...)

I know that inside the controller this sub-category (input, output..) doesn't exist, but is really frustrating everytime split all real variables inside the subcategories...


Posts: 27
Date registered 06.21.2024

RE: Improve backup

#4 by cquante , Thu Sep 12, 2024 6:34 am

Dear Lomba,

you mention two different things:

  1. Robot data like workspaces, axis limits, ...
  2. Program structure, subvariable definitions, documentation

The first topic is not handled by K-IDE. Even if the underlying data is well known by some robot programmers, they are not documented. If you know where to grab the data, you can try uploading partial data from the "source" page in K-IDE.

The second topic I've tried to explain to you. There are may different ways to upload the project documentation like variable comments, program order, program grouping, subvariable definitions, ... If you follow my instructions and the explanations in the manual, you can upload that documentations to the robot and download it next time.

Christian Quante
Technical Sales
Sales Department

Kawasaki Robotics GmbH
Rheiner Landstrasse 195A • 49078 Osnabrück

Posts: 300
Date registered 12.20.2019

RE: Improve backup

#5 by Lomba1986 , Thu Sep 12, 2024 2:24 pm

Dear CQuante,
sorry for my bad english because probably you don't understand because I don't explain well my idea and my point of view.

In the first scenario if I need to update the project on my laptop about motion limits (or similar) at the moment I must download everything from the controller, right?
So in this case also the variables are download from the controller...and are saved all into categories reals (and similar for translation points and so on)

At the end into the project probably I will have a mess because:
- the data download are saved into the Reals category
- if I marked some elements as I/O they were repoted into the sub-categories

In any case thanks

Posts: 27
Date registered 06.21.2024


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