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Cannot add multiple selections

#1 by zuoyuanchun , Fri Jan 28, 2022 8:27 pm

Dear cquante
When multiple real variables are selected at the same time and added to the signal, the multi-selection state is automatically canceled after the right mouse button selects the menu. I don't know if this is a bug.
I wonder if it is possible to add a configuration option to customize the settings for automatic recognition?
For example: di_xxxx can be automatically recognized as an input signal, and do_xxxx can be recognized as an output signal
m_xxxx is recognized as an internal signal, tool_xxxx is recognized as a tool point, base_xxxx, frame_xxxx
Because as a programmer, the definition of variables follows certain rules.
In addition, in the program, SIG(di_xxxx), SIGNAL do_xxxx, can be identified by loading the program or manually, which can greatly improve the efficiency of program analysis.

Posts: 22
Date registered 05.01.2020

RE: Cannot add multiple selections

#2 by cquante , Thu Mar 03, 2022 2:22 pm


thank you for your comments!

Zitat von zuoyuanchun im Beitrag #1

When multiple real variables are selected at the same time and added to the signal, the multi-selection state is automatically canceled after the right mouse button selects the menu. I don't know if this is a bug.

This is caused by the default behaviour of the data grid. For that reason the buttons above the grid can be used to access identifiers in more than one line.
Zitat von zuoyuanchun im Beitrag #1

I wonder if it is possible to add a configuration option to customize the settings for automatic recognition?
For example: di_xxxx can be automatically recognized as an input signal, and do_xxxx can be recognized as an output signal
m_xxxx is recognized as an internal signal, tool_xxxx is recognized as a tool point, base_xxxx, frame_xxxx
Because as a programmer, the definition of variables follows certain rules.
In addition, in the program, SIG(di_xxxx), SIGNAL do_xxxx, can be identified by loading the program or manually, which can greatly improve the efficiency of program analysis.

I'm not sure if it helps to define some of the identifiers automatically. I guess it will lead to a huge overload when loading an AS file and it is a lot of programming work to do so. On the other hand, if some K-IDE user enter an ununiqe template to identify a variable type, K-IDE will fail to build up the lists. Personally I'm not a fan of that idea.

To define groups of variables by naming convention more quickly, you can use the filter functions in the variable lists. You can use "[di_.*]" to filter all digital inputs in the list of REALS and select all the entries by clicking in the left upper field. Then you click the "Define As Signal" button and you're done with your input signals.

What do you think?

Christian Quante
Technical Sales
Sales Department

Kawasaki Robotics GmbH
Rheiner Landstrasse 195A • 49078 Osnabrück

Posts: 254
Date registered 12.20.2019


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