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some ideas

#1 by Mr.T , Mon Apr 15, 2024 9:00 am


I've gathered some ideas and tips that might make your life easier:

1) quickly check whether a point or a real value is different from itself online

2) I happen to want to download only the updated variables from the robot and not download everything (I may have changes in my programs that I don't need to upload but keep). It would be convenient are the possibility, like for downloading all variables (points, reals, strings) with one button, without having to click on all of them one at a time (like for robot system data, which has its own dedicated button)

3) a page to see all available shortcuts (can't remember them). Ability to change them?

4) When I edit a .pc program, after loading I also want to send it to run. It would be convenient to request if it should be loaded and also run, without doing additional steps.

5) I often load several programs at a time from different groups and each time I have to remember to remove the kill program foreground flag. Could the previous state be stored or the flag enabled by default be removed?

6) To optimize the space used on the screen, a button could be added to quickly close and open the part dedicated to the terminal and the inspection list, as KIDE already does when you are not connected

The following user say thank you: cquante
Posts: 52
Date registered 02.08.2021

Last edited 04.15.2024 | Top

RE: some ideas

#2 by cquante , Wed Apr 17, 2024 6:43 am

Hey Mr.T!

Thank you for your suggestions!

Zitat von Mr.T im Beitrag #1

1) quickly check whether a point or a real value is different from itself online

That is possible. Personally, I don't see the use case as I don't deal with offline values. Should that comparison be started in the variables list?
Zitat von Mr.T im Beitrag #1
2) I happen to want to download only the updated variables from the robot and not download everything (I may have changes in my programs that I don't need to upload but keep). It would be convenient are the possibility, like for downloading all variables (points, reals, strings) with one button, without having to click on all of them one at a time (like for robot system data, which has its own dedicated button)

There's still a possibility to load all variable data when disconnecting. Is this what you mean? May it be started at the same place where system data can be downloaded?
Zitat von Mr.T im Beitrag #1
3) a page to see all available shortcuts (can't remember them). Ability to change them?

The shortcuts are mentioned in the manual. See chapter 6.1 and 6.2 for more information. Shortcuts are not changable, sorry. But I'm open for suggestions to change them to be more common.
Zitat von Mr.T im Beitrag #1
4) When I edit a .pc program, after loading I also want to send it to run. It would be convenient to request if it should be loaded and also run, without doing additional steps.

That's a good idea! You are right, in most times after uploading a PC program (or a NumPG program) you would like to restart it.
Zitat von Mr.T im Beitrag #1
5) I often load several programs at a time from different groups and each time I have to remember to remove the kill program foreground flag. Could the previous state be stored or the flag enabled by default be removed?

This function is on my list for one of the next BETA updates. BTW do you know the "Send" menu entry of the context menues (Programs/Tasks/NumPG programs)? With that function you are able to select all programs you like to send. The group where you right-click is preselected but you can select programs from other groups too.
Zitat von Mr.T im Beitrag #1
6) To optimize the space used on the screen, a button could be added to quickly close and open the part dedicated to the terminal and the inspection list, as KIDE already does when you are not connected

That is very simple to implement, but personly I don't like to hide the online view when online. To get more overview I often use the undock and dock functionallity of the tab editors. But if you like I can add a button in the main button bar to switch between hide and show of the "online windows".

Christian Quante
Technical Sales
Sales Department

Kawasaki Robotics GmbH
Rheiner Landstrasse 195A • 49078 Osnabrück

Posts: 326
Date registered 12.20.2019

RE: some ideas

#3 by Mr.T , Wed Apr 17, 2024 8:20 am

Zitat von cquante im Beitrag #2
Should that comparison be started in the variables list?

It can happen that you have backup values of a point (like for calibrations with the camera) and want to check if it has been changed by others or if you have updated it correctly.
I had thought of the same button that you put for online and offline checking in programs, to also put it in the screens of points and real.

Zitat von cquante im Beitrag #2
There\'s still a possibility to load all variable data when disconnecting. Is this what you mean? May it be started at the same place where system data can be downloaded?

Yes and Yes. Start the feature when I need it.

Zitat von cquante im Beitrag #2
The shortcuts are mentioned in the manual. See chapter 6.1 and 6.2 for more information.

Having never opened the manual, I missed this part. I usually notice changes made to the program by following the forum threads when a new version is released, where you explain what has been added and corrected.

Zitat von cquante im Beitrag #2
That is very simple to implement, but personly I don\'t like to hide the online view when online. To get more overview I often use the undock and dock functionallity of the tab editors. But if you like I can add a button in the main button bar to switch between hide and show of the "online windows".

You could leave only the colored line visible to point out that you are online.

Zitat von cquante im Beitrag #2
I often use the undock and dock functionallity of the tab editors.
Can't this feature be integrated?

The following user say thank you: cquante
Posts: 52
Date registered 02.08.2021

RE: some ideas

#4 by cquante , Wed Apr 17, 2024 8:54 am

Zitat von Mr.T im Beitrag #3
You could leave only the colored line visible to point out that you are online.

Good point! I will check.

Christian Quante
Technical Sales
Sales Department

Kawasaki Robotics GmbH
Rheiner Landstrasse 195A • 49078 Osnabrück

Posts: 326
Date registered 12.20.2019


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