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Interface panel BUG

#1 by zuoyuanchun , Mon May 18, 2020 9:26 am

This message no used Google translate,because the google translate can't expression my means,maybe the grammar and word is wrong,sorry!

In the robot Interface panel,The 08-Vanable Date Display ,Date type options,in the robot date,
1 is the integer ,(整数)
2 is the reals ,(实数) in the chinese reals name is 实数
0 is the code mode(***** display),but the robot Teach pendant can not choose this mode
I will be sinicized fix this lables.

another problem
In the K-Translate edit xml files,I can not find the KIDE menu(Optionem,farben,Syntax-Hervorhebung,Kategorie),like the Zeichenkettenkonstanten Kommentare SYmbole ......,I can not find the label ,In chinese language is display empty,could you tell me how edit the label in the K-Translate.
KIDE is a great tool !
Thank you very much!

Posts: 23
Date registered 05.01.2020

RE: Interface panel BUG

#2 by cquante , Mon May 25, 2020 8:40 am

Dear Zuo,

thank you for your report! Is it fixed now (after your new translation)?

Zitat von zuoyuanchun im Beitrag #1
This message no used Google translate,because the google translate can't expression my means,maybe the grammar and word is wrong,sorry!

In the robot Interface panel,The 08-Vanable Date Display ,Date type options,in the robot date,
1 is the integer ,(整数)
2 is the reals ,(实数) in the chinese reals name is 实数
0 is the code mode(***** display),but the robot Teach pendant can not choose this mode
I will be sinicized fix this lables.

another problem
In the K-Translate edit xml files,I can not find the KIDE menu(Optionem,farben,Syntax-Hervorhebung,Kategorie),like the Zeichenkettenkonstanten Kommentare SYmbole ......,I can not find the label ,In chinese language is display empty,could you tell me how edit the label in the K-Translate.
KIDE is a great tool !
Thank you very much!

Christian Quante
Project Support & Development
Technical Department

Kawasaki Robotics GmbH
Rheiner Landstrasse 195A • 49078 Osnabrück

Posts: 326
Date registered 12.20.2019

RE: Interface panel BUG

#3 by zuoyuanchun , Tue May 26, 2020 1:43 am

Yes! I fixd in translates xml

Posts: 23
Date registered 05.01.2020


Good News ! I found a project
AS Sourcecode textbox can't input chinese

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