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Folders in signal tree nad point suggestion

#1 by Kapi , Mon Nov 27, 2023 2:25 pm


I had few questions and inquires about two inprovements in KIDE.

1. Adding folders structure to Points, Signals and variables (reals, integer) Similar to programs folder structure
Use case:
- for points. You can group point names used on diffrent machines in difrent part of application. It can be done with diffrent naming conventions but not everyone likes to change their conventions
- Signals - keeping Your signals GroupedSo You know wich signal set is responsible for known part of the machine or keeping known set of internal signals according to their function
- variables - just to keep each set of variables in tidy set

2. Suggesting point varaibles when typing linear motion command. Like LMOVE and then you get whole suggestion of ony translation points. It is not nescesary for joint comands Joints are always suggested after typing # sign

Pleas consider those upgrades and share Your opinion about posibility of implementing them.

The following user say thank you: cquante
Posts: 4
Date registered 06.14.2021

RE: Folders in signal tree nad point suggestion

#2 by cquante , Wed Nov 29, 2023 9:55 am

Dear Kapi,

thank you for your suggestions!

  1. Beside the fact that it will be a lot of work to organize and manage such groups, I don't see a big benefit for that. A naming convention is commonly used to organize variable groups. In the K-IDE it is also possible to filter variables by name, values or comments. Even if the name is limited to 15 characters, you can use the comment to group variables with the help of a filter. You can write down the name of the variable group in the variable's comment, to filter and view only the variables in that group. This will be more flexible than having fixed groups where the variables belong to. With the filter function you can even do more nice things like showing the variables of more than one group: "(Group1|Group2)" (regular expression).

  2. Auto-completion in the editor of K-IDE is a dump function not looking at the still written code. Your suggestion points to something like "IntelliSense" where the editor tries to find out what the programmer wants to do and list the corresponding suggestions. Then the editor will realize after the programmer writes "LMOVE", there has to follow a position to move to. So the list for auto-completion will only consist of position variables. But is that correct? What if you want to shift a position ("LMOVE SHIFT (...)")? Or you want to do movements to a calculated position using the TRANS command? For that scenarios you also need keywords and other variable names to be in the list.

    Actually K-IDE gives you a list of all relevant names sorted alphabetically and grouped by keywords, templates and variable names. That is done whenever you start a new word (name, command, ...). If you know what position variable you like to use you have only to enter the starting characters to see a short list of existing variables. In most cases that should be enough to support all programming solutions.

Christian Quante
Technical Sales
Sales Department

Kawasaki Robotics GmbH
Rheiner Landstrasse 195A • 49078 Osnabrück

Posts: 329
Date registered 12.20.2019


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