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KIDE AS Upload Not Rolling Back Joint/Translation/Precision Data

#1 by NChew , Thu Mar 21, 2024 9:51 am

Hi to All KIDE enthusiasts out there,

I recently came across an issue with 1 of my BX-100N E-series controllers whereby uploading my modified .AS code to the robot caused it to lose some of the joint data (these affected lines would automatically be commented with a ;?). I suppose the source code somehow got corrupted as I was using a text editor macro to modify it directly.

I was unable to trace the source of the corruption so I subsequently tried to rollback the controller data by exporting the backup file (created before the modified code was input) back into the controller. However for some reason, it does not roll back and is still using the newly modified data. I have done work on previous robot/controllers and it is the first time encountering such an issue, thus does anyone have experience with this issue where the controller does not roll back?


Posts: 3
Date registered 12.22.2023

RE: KIDE AS Upload Not Rolling Back Joint/Translation/Precision Data

#2 by cquante , Thu Mar 21, 2024 3:17 pm

Dear Nicholas,

do you have a screenshot of the lines that are broken? Do you did a backup and look if the joints are missing there too? Is your program a "block teaching program"?

Joint data is very simple:

<name> <jt1> <jt2> <jt3> <jt4> <jt5> <jt6>

Names have to start with "#". Between the name and all the single joint values there has to be at least one space character. That's it!

To see how variables are written in AS language, please see "AS source" in K-IDE and scroll down to the end of the text. The last few sections consists of the variable lists.

This week a saw a similar problem at one of our customers: suddenly he could not transfer programs and teach positions properly. The reason was a broken RFS (filesystem) on the CF card.

Christian Quante
Technical Sales
Sales Department

Kawasaki Robotics GmbH
Rheiner Landstrasse 195A • 49078 Osnabrück

Posts: 326
Date registered 12.20.2019


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