I have:
Controller: E0x
Arm: RS020N-A001
Firmware: ASE_010100X3Y
I have a problem when I want load program by KIDE. I have a program written in Block Teaching. I downloaded this program to KIDE and I can't load this program to controller. I receive error Syntax Error.
LINEAR 150. ACCU1 TIMER0 TOOL1 WORK0 CLAMP1 (OFF,0,0,o) 2 (OFF,0,0,o) 3 (OFF,0,0,o) 4 (ON,0,0,o)
The error is in this place (OFF,0,0,o), in my opinion the problem is in size "o", because when I change the "o" on "O" I can load the program without a errors.
When I download the program I again received "o"
I attached the program
Do you have any Idea how I can solve this program?
Best regards