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Load program to E controller

#1 by Grzegorz_ Astor ( deleted ) , Tue Apr 28, 2020 12:23 pm


I have:
Controller: E0x
Arm: RS020N-A001
Firmware: ASE_010100X3Y

I have a problem when I want load program by KIDE. I have a program written in Block Teaching. I downloaded this program to KIDE and I can't load this program to controller. I receive error Syntax Error.

LINEAR 150. ACCU1 TIMER0 TOOL1 WORK0 CLAMP1 (OFF,0,0,o) 2 (OFF,0,0,o) 3 (OFF,0,0,o) 4 (ON,0,0,o)

The error is in this place (OFF,0,0,o), in my opinion the problem is in size "o", because when I change the "o" on "O" I can load the program without a errors.
When I download the program I again received "o"

I attached the program

Do you have any Idea how I can solve this program?

Best regards


Grzegorz_ Astor

RE: Load program to E controller

#2 by cquante , Tue Apr 28, 2020 4:43 pm

Hello and welcome to the forum!

Zitat von Grzegorz_ Astor im Beitrag #1
I have: Controller: E0x
Arm: RS020N-A001
Firmware: ASE_010100X3Y
I have a problem when I want load program by KIDE. I have a program written in Block Teaching. I downloaded this program to KIDE and I can't load this program to controller. I receive error Syntax Error.
LINEAR 150. ACCU1 TIMER0 TOOL1 WORK0 CLAMP1 (OFF,0,0,o) 2 (OFF,0,0,o) 3 (OFF,0,0,o) 4 (ON,0,0,o)
The error is in this place (OFF,0,0,o), in my opinion the problem is in size "o", because when I change the "o" on "O" I can load the program without a errors.When I download the program I again received "o"
I attached the program
Do you have any Idea how I can solve this program?

Just a rough idea: Do you have a variable in your project named "o"?

K-IDE searches a program after download for variables and replaces the names with the names in the variable list. So if you got a variable in your Translation Points or Reals with the name "o", all uppercase "O" will be replaced by lowercase "o". In this case simply remove the variable "o" from your project or rename it to upper case "O".

Christian Quante
Project Support & Development
Technical Department

Kawasaki Robotics GmbH
Rheiner Landstrasse 195A • 49078 Osnabrück

Posts: 329
Date registered 12.20.2019


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