This is a new BETA update to the stable release v1.0.
We include the long awaited filter functionality for all variable lists and speeded up the redraw of that lists.
To filter the list, just right-click on the column header. You'll find a textbox appearing under the mouse cursor. Here you can input your filter like this:
After pressing <Enter> you'll see a filtered list colored in cyan like this:
The color should indicate that the list is filtered and should remind you that maybe not all variables are visible. The more dark colored column indicates the filtered column. If you right-click on that column again, you'll see your previous inserted filter.
There's a new button in each list that gives you the option to quickly delete the filter and show all entries.
The filter differs for numeric and text fields. In text fileds the standard filter searches for text in variables that contains the entered filter. In numeric fields the entered number is searched by default. To have a bit more comfort when using filters, there are some advanced features for both possible types:
1. Text filter features:
- Start the filter with | character to search the text case-insensitive. The standard behavior is case-sensitive
- Put your filter into edged brackets ([]) to use regular expressions. Example: [.*\[[0-9]*\].*] to search for one dimension arrays.
2. Numeric filter features:
- Start your filter with the < character followed by a numeric value (x) to find all values smaller but not equal (x). Example: <10
- Same as above but with > character to find all values bigger but not equal (x). Example: >10
- Use the ~ the - or the _ character to define a value range and find all values between (x) and (y) including (x) and (y). Example: 10~100 or 10_100 or 10-100
- To filter all values smaller or equal (y) you can use the ~ or _ character and omit (x). Example: ~100 or _100
- To filter all values bigger or equal (x) you can use the ~ or _ or - character and omit (y). Example: 100~ or 100_ or 100-
Please note the the - character is not taken as a numerical range if it is placed as the first character in the filter! It is a indicator of a negative value instead.
Please download, install and test this new BETA (if you like) and place your bug reports into this forum!
Thank you!