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BETA / Update

#1 by cquante , Mon Apr 05, 2021 1:47 pm

This is a new BETA update to the stable release v1.0.

It is not recommented to use this BETA unless you have trouble with the interface panel of a paint robot!

This Update adds a two-language-support for the paint firmware and prevents loosing panel data when using K-IDE.

I'm not very familiar with paint robots but my colleagues told me that there are two different sets of panel data sections in the paint robot controller (.INTER_PANEL_D // .INTER_PANEL_LANG2_D and .INTER_PANEL_TITLE // .INTER_PANEL_TITLE_LANG2). As far as I have tested, the panel field data has to be the same except the label text fields. If the data fields differ, there is the risk of loosing data.

The new update checks if there is a second language panel data field in the AS file and enables the editor to switch between two languages and edit each language set. When saving, exporting or sending panel data, two different sets of panel data is created with the same settings but a different language.

The language selection combobox will not appear if there's no second language set detected.

If you are familiar with painting robots and like to check that new functionality, please feel free to download, test and give feedback!

Thank you!

Christian Quante
Technical Sales
Sales Department

Kawasaki Robotics GmbH
Rheiner Landstrasse 195A • 49078 Osnabrück


Posts: 329
Date registered 12.20.2019


BETA / Update
BETA / Update

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