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BETA / Update - K-IDE V1.1 BETA 1

#1 by cquante , Mon Sep 27, 2021 2:52 pm

This update primarily fixes a some minor bugs:

  • Copy variables in variable list
  • Culture depended numerical data

Also new in this update:

  • AS toolbox with a simple and an advanced signal allocation dialog
  • New K-IDE logo graphics in splash screen
  • FrameBuilder now also usable in offline mode, so no need to connect if you like to build a frame
  • New option in the settings dialog: users are now able to choose if the like to use en-US-like numeric input (for Germans and people in other countries who previously have to input "1,5" instead of "1.5")
  • Move to a frame position

We have decided to take a step towards version 1.1 of K-IDE, so this BETA shall be the first 1.1 BETA. The manuals for K-IDE v1.1 are in progress. If you find translation problems in the K-IDE, feel free to leave a comment and help solve the problem by joining the K-Translate project.

As always: feel free to download, install and test the new update and leave your comments! - Thank you!

Christian Quante
Technical Sales
Sales Department

Kawasaki Robotics GmbH
Rheiner Landstrasse 195A • 49078 Osnabrück


Posts: 329
Date registered 12.20.2019

RE: BETA / Update - K-IDE V1.1 BETA 1

#2 by dm.bogachev , Tue Sep 28, 2021 9:17 pm

I have a problem with this version: I only have german language even if I set English language in settings. How can I fix this issue?

Thank you in advance!

The following user say thank you: cquante
Posts: 21
Date registered 09.28.2021

RE: BETA / Update - K-IDE V1.1 BETA 1

#3 by cquante , Wed Sep 29, 2021 7:17 am

Hello and welcome!

Zitat von dm.bogachev im Beitrag #2

I have a problem with this version: I only have german language even if I set English language in settings. How can I fix this issue?

I cannot reproduce that behaviour. Normaly if you change the language and press "Save" ("Speichern"), your K-IDE should restart with the new language (English in your case).

There are several things that may happen when updating the K-IDE:

  1. The archive is locked after download: Did you unlock the ZIP file before you unpack?
  2. If you've forgotten about to unlock the archive before unpack, please unlock all language dll files (at least the dll files in the "en" folder separately.
  3. Update files must be used to overwrite the files in the latest stable release. Did you install K-IDE v1.0 first?
  4. The K-IDE program directory will be installed to allow user access to all files. Is your K-IDE installation directory or are your *.XML files write protected?

Maybe there are more possibilities that let an update fail even if the update IMHO is very easy:

  1. Prerequisites: K-IDE v1.0 or later must be installed and work properly
  2. Download the update archive
  3. Unlock the ZIP file by right-clicking on the archive, select "Propperties" and check the checkbox on the bottom of the first page ("Allow")
  4. Open the archive and select all files
  5. Copy or unpack the files to your K-IDE installation folder by overwriting any existing file
  6. Done

Please check the above things and if you got any more issues, please let me know.

Christian Quante
Technical Sales
Sales Department

Kawasaki Robotics GmbH
Rheiner Landstrasse 195A • 49078 Osnabrück

Posts: 329
Date registered 12.20.2019

RE: BETA / Update - K-IDE V1.1 BETA 1

#4 by Mr.T , Wed Sep 29, 2021 10:07 am

I have the same problem.
After unzipping the update into the program directory (stable version, KIDE changes my language to de and if I try to change the language it doesn't change.

Other bugs I report them in the bug thread?

The following user say thank you: cquante
Posts: 52
Date registered 02.08.2021

Last edited 09.29.2021 | Top

RE: BETA / Update - K-IDE V1.1 BETA 1

#5 by cquante , Wed Sep 29, 2021 10:23 am

Dear Mr.T, dear dm.bogachev,

sorry my mistake! I didn't checked with the installation files but with my development files!

Zitat von Mr.T im Beitrag #4

I have the same problem.
After unzipping the update into the program directory (stable version, KIDE changes my language to de and if I try to change the language it doesn't change.

I checked it with my installated version of K-IDE and now I can reproduce it. There seems to be an issue with the assigned language dlls. Please copy the attached DLL files and retry!

Zitat von Mr.T im Beitrag #4

Other bugs I report them in the bug thread?

You are right, it is a bug.

Christian Quante
Technical Sales
Sales Department

Kawasaki Robotics GmbH
Rheiner Landstrasse 195A • 49078 Osnabrück


Posts: 329
Date registered 12.20.2019

RE: BETA / Update - K-IDE V1.1 BETA 1

#6 by Mr.T , Wed Sep 29, 2021 10:29 am

yes, it has been fixed

The following user say thank you: cquante
Posts: 52
Date registered 02.08.2021

Last edited 09.29.2021 | Top


BETA / Update - K-IDE V1.1 BETA 2
BETA / Update

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