1. I used the original (clean) AS download from the controller.
2. created a MONITOR command button to move the robot
3. used cut/copy/paste do multiply those buttons
4. edited all the buttons with the functions I needed
5. saved the file
6. opend the file again - most edits are gone
I attached the file:
ON page2 I had 6*4 buttons for the motions X/Y/Z/RX/RY/RZ in +/- direction and two increments configured.
But after close/open the file only a few buttons were left ... most of my copy/pasted/edited buttons are gone.
The file only shows that there are only few buttons on page 2 - but I guess it should be possible to replicate that problem.
originally I thought it's only a problem with cut/copy/paste
... but now I think the problem could be also the length of the monitor command.
the fields with longer monitor commands are in the AS file but don't show up in KIDE
regards from Taiwan